Unit page, primary language: LA, subsidiary: EN, interface: EN, work in progress

nomen tonsilla

Official Latin term nomen tonsilla
Official subsidiary term tonsil word
Unit identifier TAH:U11756
Unit type vocabulary
Materiality non physical entity
Link to the unit nomen tonsilla
Links of entity generic: nomen tonsilla
Entity-oriented links Universal page Definition page
External links PubMed
Taxonomic links Level 2: nomen rei anatomicae Short Extended
Level 3: nomen systematis lymphatici
Subsidiary language with Latin
Non Latin primary language
Taxonomic definition
Taxonomic definition The tonsil word is a word of lymphatic system [nomen systematis lymphatici ] which represents a small round mass of tissue, especially lymphatic tissue.
Vocabulary for 11756
nomen tonsilla
Reference 2448
tonsilla palatina
By noun
2424/NFMB single
tonsilla lingualis
2425/NFMB set
nodulus lymphaticus tonsillae lingualis
2448/NFMB pair
tonsilla palatina
2449/NFMB pair
capsula tonsillae palatinae (capsula tonsillaris )
2451/NFMB pset
fossula tonsillae palatinae (fossula tonsillaris )
2452/NFMB pset
crypta tonsillae palatinae (crypta tonsillaris )
2465/NFMB single
tonsilla pharyngea
2468/NFMB set
nodulus lymphaticus tonsillae pharyngeae
2475/NFMB pair
tonsilla tubaria
5738/NFMB pair
tonsilla cerebelli
22735/NFMB tax
by apposition
11756/MFMB voc
nomen tonsilla
By adjective
2446/AF1B pair
sinus tonsillaris (fossa tonsillaris )
2446/AFMB pair
fossa tonsillaris
2447/AFMB pair
fossa supratonsillaris
2450/AFMB pair
fissura tonsillaris
2466/AFMB set
fossula tonsillae pharyngeae (fossula tonsillaris )
2467/AFMB set
crypta tonsillae pharyngeae (crypta tonsillaris )
3829/AFMB pair
ramus tonsillaris arteriae facialis
4063/AFMB pair
ramus tonsillae cerebelli (ramus tonsillaris cerebellaris )
4893/AFMB set
crypta tonsillae lingualis (crypta tonsillaris lingualis )
4894/AFMB pset
crypta tonsillae tubariae (crypta tonsillaris tubaria )
6414/AFMB pset
ramus tonsillaris
6513/AFMB pset
ramus tonsillaris nervi glossopharyngei
9019/AFMB pair
vena retrotonsillaris superior
9020/AFMB pair
vena retrotonsillaris inferior
Number of occurrences
26 items
Date: 13.01.2024